Dogs Trust is rebranding as Socks Trust with immediate effect to encourage people to give socks, not puppies, as gifts this festive season. Having dealt with the effects of unwanted dogs filling its rehoming centres after Christmas, and unwanted pets left out in the cold, Socks Trust hopes more people will settle for a simple pair of socks.

Socks Trust has even created a line of special socks featuring the dogs of Christmas past, who were all abandoned over the holidays, before finding safety and love with the charity. They include:
- Spud, a Rottweiler puppy turned over Dogs Trust Harefield on Christmas Eve as part of an unsold litter.
- Bramble the pregnant Beagle, who found safety at the ‘inn’ of Dogs Trust Basildon. She gave birth to a healthy puppy named Holly on Christmas Eve.
- A Staffie girl abandoned on 23 December outside a betting shop – Dogs Trust Leeds called her Betty.
- Dame Joan Collins – a Labrador cross named, with many others, after the 2015 New Year’s Honours List!
- Dug the Lurcher, tied up in freezing winds with a simple note – “too old now, good with kids, good nature”.
- Butterball, a crossbreed pup left in a field with his siblings over Christmas last year.
- Cindy the Lurcher, tied in the December rain to the gates of Dogs Trust Evesham.
- Parsnip, one of three puppies found left in a stable, victims of the fickle Christmas puppy trade.
All of the dogs featured found their loving, forever homes thanks to Dogs Trust and its network of staff, volunteers, supporters and centres. Can you spot the dogs on the socks?
The saying ‘a dog is for life, not just for Christmas’, remains as iconic as ever, but for some the message still isn’t getting through. Last year, 3,400 calls were made in the 30 days following Christmas from new owners wanting to give up their dog – that’s 113 calls per day.
Adrian Burder, Dogs Trust CEO, who rescued an abandoned Christmas pup named Skipper in 2014, commented, “There’s no denying that buying a puppy for a loved one can seem like an extravagant and exciting purchase. Unfortunately, the realities that come with being a new dog owner are often overlooked in the thrill of it all and we have seen how some people end up simply abandoning puppies as if they are just another one of their unwanted gifts left under the Christmas tree.
“We want to avoid these unfortunate situations and as Socks Trust, we are encouraging prospective buyers to make sure they’ve thoroughly thought about the reality of dog ownership before they impulse buy. Instead, opt for a safe pair of cosy socks that their loved ones definitely won’t give back this year. After all, we can never have too many pairs of Christmas socks!”
Socks Trust’s socks are limited edition, and can be bought on its online eBay shop or at its charity shops.
For more information about Socks Trust, visit and search on social media.